Arbox logo, on the left - 4 screens from the design with green background
Arbox logo, on the left - 4 screens from the design with green background
Arbox logo, on the left - 4 screens from the design with green background
Arbox logo, on the left - 4 screens from the design with green background

\\ About

\\ About

Arbox is all-in-one business management software for small businesses, mainly focused on the health & fitness industry.
The gym I'm going to uses their services and for this personal project, I wanted to explore features that can further improve user engagement and experience.

Role: UX/UI Designer

Tools Used: Figma

Main Challenge

Main Challenge

Make users visit the app more often and connect with the businesses using Arbox services.

Method - Design Thinking



















Research methods:

  1. Market research - I read about these types of services, and compared other apps and what they offer to Arbox services

  2. I interviewed a business owner who uses Arbox and his employees.

  3. A survey was created and sent to users of the app in a local gym.


  1. 87.5% of the participants in the survey would like to have other health information such as steps made and weight loss shown in the app (as long as it stays private).

  2. Gamifying the app can help the overall user experience.

  3. 67.5% of the participants would love some sort of social feed and interaction between people.

Ideas & Decision

Ideas & Decision

After taking all the research findings into account, I came up with a few Ideas.

  1. Integration of personal health data - imported from other health apps such as Samsung Health, Google Fit, and Apple’s Health apps.

  2. Digital reward system - rewards are created by the gym’s owner.

  3. Personalization abilities for gym owners - create a ”skin” for the app's
    social feed.

  4. Social Feed - create a small community within the business where users can share things about their experiences in the business.

After considering different approaches,
I came up with two solutions:

  1. Assembling the packages automatically after the user chooses products. When the user goes to the cart, a pop-up will come up with a suggestion to add more items for the following quantity discount.

  2. A step-by-step guided shopping trip with clearer names and instructions.

    After consulting with the team and client, we went with the second option because it was more feasible and easy to create.

    Regarding the homepage, it was decided to use the current homepage as a base, so the users won’t be too overwhelmed by the change, but still design it from the ground up.

colored sections in a fig.jam file that describes the ideas for the new features
colored sections in a fig.jam file that describes the ideas for the new features
colored sections in a fig.jam file that describes the ideas for the new features
colored sections in a fig.jam file that describes the ideas for the new features
User Flows

User Flows

To better understand what screen should be built, I created a user flow that maps each feature

After considering different approaches,
I came up with two solutions:

  1. Assembling the packages automatically after the user chooses products. When the user goes to the cart, a pop-up will come up with a suggestion to add more items for the following quantity discount.

  2. A step-by-step guided shopping trip with clearer names and instructions.

    After consulting with the team and client, we went with the second option because it was more feasible and easy to create.

    Regarding the homepage, it was decided to use the current homepage as a base, so the users won’t be too overwhelmed by the change, but still design it from the ground up.

user flow of 3 features
user flow of 3 features
user flow of 3 features
user flow of 3 features
Wireframing / Ordering System
Wireframing / Ordering System

I decided to pick only 2 options so the project would be more focused and feasible.

the options chosen were:

  1. integration of personal health data\

  2. Digital reward system

Wireframes were then created to give an idea of the layouts

wirefames sketched by hand
wirefames sketched by hand
wirefames sketched by hand
wirefames sketched by hand
Design / Personal Health Data

Design / Personal Health Data

The old feed page was bare with little information about you, but it lacked other info such as future workout info. The new feed page offers a clear overview of the user's health data, score, future schedule and an option to schedule a new session quickly.,

Old design vs new design
Old design vs new design
Old design vs new design
Old design vs new design
Design / Score System

Design / Score System

To 'gamify' the app a score system was added, so the users engage more with each other and compete to achieve goals. In addition, Challenges were created as a way to achieve points an up the user's score. and

There are three types of challenges:

  1. General Challenge - a pre-made challenge that fits the type of business.

  2. Business Challenge (in the example: Gym Challenge) - Created by the business owner to fit the specific business need

  3. User's Made Challenge - Created by the user, but gives fewer points.

score system screens
score system screens
score system screens
score system screens


This project was a fun project to work on. It taught me a lot about how to properly do UX work with no stress, and how to organize a project. There are many more improvements to be made such as Rewards and Medals to show other friends. A social feed to share news and achievements and many more features.